Product Summary

The LM361N is a very high speed differential input, complementary TTL output voltage comparator with improved characteristics over the SE529/NE529 for which it is a pin-for-pin replacement. The device has been optimized for greater speed performance and lower input offset voltage. Typically delay varies only 3 ns for over-drive variations of 5 mV to 500 mV. It may be operated from op amp supplies (±15V). Complementary outputs having maximum skew are provided. The applications of the LM361N involve high speed analog to digital converters and zero-crossing detectors in disk file systems.


LM361N absolute maximum ratings: (1)Positive Supply Voltage, V+: +16V; (2)Negative Supply Voltage, V-: -16V; (3)Gate Supply Voltage, VCC: +7V; (4)Output Voltage: +7V; (5)Differential Input Voltage: ±5V; (6)Input Common Mode Voltage: ±6V; (7)Power Dissipation: 600 mW; (8)Storage Temperature Range: -65℃ to +150℃; (9)Operating Temperature Range: 0℃ to +70℃; (10)Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds): 260℃; (11)For Any Device Lead Below V-: 0.3V.


LM361N features: (1)Independent strobes; (2)Guaranteed high speed: 20 ns max; (3)Tight delay matching on both outputs; (4)Complementary TTL outputs; (5)Operates from op amp supplies: ±15V; (6)Low speed variation with overdrive variation; (7)Low input offset voltage; (8)Versatile supply voltage range.


LM361N block diagram

Image Part No Mfg Description Data Sheet Download Pricing

National Semiconductor (TI)

Comparator ICs

Data Sheet

0-1: $1.71
1-25: $1.38
25-100: $1.24
100-250: $1.10

National Semiconductor (TI)

Comparator ICs

Data Sheet

0-350: $1.10
350-500: $0.97
500-1000: $0.80
1000-2500: $0.74